Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The truth is the truth

The T-shirt of the week is called Radame. It reads, "La verdad es la verdad y no es mentira" (in spanish). This translates in English the truth is the truth and it ain't a lie. Okay so let's get the nitty gritty of this line. Radame is a man who lives in the Dominican Republic. He is not well mentally, but is a nice happy person all the time. He always repeats the last words you say to him. So for instance, my mom said, "Boy it is hot today, it is the type of weather that you want to take cool showers all day." Radame replied,"Cool showers all day." He got up rapidly and stormed to my bathroom. He came out 30 minutes later from his cold shower. He also likes to look at you and laugh and laugh. One time my sister, Yadiry, and Radame looked at each other for like a half hour just laughing for no reason.
Anothe sunny day, Radame came over and he was serious this day. He sat down on our orange and white rocking chair and said the words on the t-shirt (if the truth is the truth, it aint a lie.) I said, "Damn that is deep." He repeated this at least twenty times in a ten minute period. It is now a classic line. Thanks Radame!

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