Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fo'shadowin Papa

I started my very own T-shirt business called It all came about years ago when I wanted to design funny t-shirts with sayings my day would say. I would say that things that came out of dad's mouth was a gold mine of ideas (hence the name). Although, my chubby old fashioned, tan white hair dad was the inspiration, everything that came out of people's mouths had potential for a t-shirt.

This t-shirt "That's Fo'Shadowing Papa came from a very colorful character. His name is Jason and he is my husband's friend. J. is the most genuine person who is truly one of a kind. Between him and my dad, I can design millions of t-shirts.

This line came about when we were watching Dexter season 3, the most popular Showtime series on a Miami cop who is a serial killer. Jason kept talking throughout the show and Travis, my husband, kept Shhin' him. Finally he blurts out but, "That's Fo'Shadowing Papa," in a scene with Michael C. Hall (Dexter) and Jimmy Smits (Miguel Prado). It was hilarious and it is now a classic line. I often use it in my day to day conversation.

And that was the birth of my first T-shirt!